Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Super Bowl Commercial

A lot of Super Bowl excitement involves watching the million plus dollar commercials that are featured each year. Today I share my commercial to help make ProximityCast a household word. Watch for it! If not this year, maybe next. TTT...Things Take Time...;-)

A young technically savvy Chelsea Clinton is driving her father Bill somewhere in an exotic location in a far corner of our world.
Bill has a conniption fit when a “Big Mac Attack” hits him.
Chelsea tells her dad to calm down because she has ProximityCast on her blackberry and will have her dad in the nearest McDonald's in the quickest possible time.
As Bill calms down a cast net is seen going out over the entire world pulling in the six closest McDonald’s Restaurants as the catch.
The commercial transitions to a very content Bill, just lovin’ it, in the nearest McDonald’s Restaurant.

Till next time,
ciao my friends!


Nothin To Say said...

The blog is looking good, I like the progress reports. Good luck with regular expression... I love that phrase "regular expression" and I might translate it into a poem. I am thinking about starting a blog about the books I read about writing and poetry. Could be fun.
The Website is looking good too.

Seasonsmom said...

Dave,that was hilarious! I had no clue you had such a vivid imagination! I'd never think about choosing those actors. Can't get any better! My kids wouldn't participate in one of those "Just lovin' it" commercials. They hate McD. They've been too spoiled by their hard working parents who provide them with such more wholesome chow! Keep it up! See, I even made it to your blog!

David Robert ~Founder of said...

I love you child! This is a long time to finally respond to your comment, sorry "TTT". If you start or have started a blog, I'd love to read it. Let me know...

Thank you for looking... My vanity loves your comment...;-)
Kind Regards,