Thursday, January 3, 2008

Raison d'être ~entry #1

Hello World!

This is not the beginning of my journey, but I am still in the early stages although I've climbed a major mountain and have dug out of a deep dark tunnel.
The dénouement is yet to be revealed and there is much to share.

Familiar with "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert T. Kiyosaki? So where was that mind expanding work in my youth? I guess you could say I've arrived at the party late.
Robert splits income production into 4 quadrants: "E" which is for employees, "S" which is for the self employed, "B" which is for businesses able to continue to function with or without you, and "I" is for investors.

I have been in the "E" quadrant the majority of my life with some minor excursions into the "S" quadrant. I've never had enough marbles in my bag to play in the "I" quadrant, and I am currently interested in transitioning into the "B" quadrant. I'm finding that it is easier said than done. The amount of tenacity necessary to stay the course is huge. The one thing all the business books I have read so far have been spot on the mark with is anyone desiring to start a business needs to find that which they have a passion for. Without a passion for what I am attempting, I would have been dead in the water long ago.

This is what I've learned so far. In my previous occupation where I was in the "E" quadrant. I feel like all of my screws were nice and tight and in place.

Now as I attempt to transition to the "B" quadrant, I find that many of my screws are either loose or missing. So, I guess that means my work is cut out for me. Well it is a blessing to have something to put my hand to, and quite a gift for that something to imbue me with passion. Sometimes I wish the ground I have to travel was easier. Sometimes I wish my way was clearer. Sometimes I wish my burden was shared.
Most of all I hope that when all is said and done the world will have received a cherished gift from my hand. It doesn't have to be the biggest and brightest diamond on the block, but to be recognized as a gem of value that is appreciated will make my journey all worth while.

If you are ever in Little Rock and you have a craving for Sushi, you might try: KOBE Steakhouse and Sushi. For those who are GPS savvy now you have the waypoint you need and a picture to allow you to experience déjà vu on arrival!
Well, nuff said for entry #1.
ciao my friends!

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