Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Non coding day

Well my new born baby: has been kicking for 1 month and 10 days now. And, still has lots of growing and improving to do. I hope I can enjoy the journey and stop wanting the new born to be full grown over night. I have enjoyed all phrases with my human children, although my oldest made me wonder if I would survive the teen years.
I'd rather be coding, but I spent the day reading (and I enjoyed it). Then I reluctantly helped my daughter with her car. I wanted to still be reading.
I'm working through the first six chapters of "Mastering Regular Expressions" by Jeffrey E.F. Friedl So far I am really enjoying it. I'm motivated. I need a regular expression to properly handle my new Latitude and Longitude input box combination street address input.
Geocoding will accept the Lat and Long and regurgitate it, but that is unnecessary usage of the geocoding service, and they give you a limit as to how many can be done in a day.
Boy, right now I'll be amazed and happy if ProximityCast ever starts using their daily quota. I feel like and Edsel Is that good or bad?
Anyhow, I have an inch I have to take care of but I have this yard I have to dig through to get where I can handle the inch properly. Fortunately I enjoy coding as much as I enjoyed flying. I just hope I can get to where I can make some money at it someday and provide something the world likes. Tall order...
ciao my friends!

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