Sunday, April 25, 2010

Should You Be an Entrepreneur?

I found this quiz here on the Finance Kid's Blog.

Try it for yourself and see where you stand. I said "yes" to twelve and "no" to eight. Some of my no's could have been yeses. Here is my personal analysis of my "no" answers and maybe some of my yes answers.

A. I don’t like being told what to do by peo­ple who are less capa­ble than I am.
With my military background I'm perfectly comfortable sitting in the Pilot in Command seat or in the Copilot's seat. What I don't like is when the one who owns the responsibility tries to slough it off on someone else. And, well nuff said. No need to get long winded.

D. I like being my own boss.

I answered yes to this one, but I'm also comfortable having a boss. I like doing a good job! If as my own boss I'm doing a lousy job, I'd rather have a boss above me that is capable of doing better.

F. I like to ques­tion con­ven­tional wisdom.

I answered no, but that really depends. Does it need questioning? If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

G. I like to get peo­ple together in order to get things done.
Depends... I don't know how good I am at this. If there is a need to rise to the challenge I think I'm capable, but I'm content to let other capable people have the spotlight and the glory. Also it depends on why I'm doing it... It's kind of like a man stopping and asking for directions. I'm quick to do so when I'm doing something that needs to get done for someone else, but if it is something solely for my benefit I'm usually loath to bother others.

H. Peo­ple get excited by my ideas.
No matter how hard I work, I don't see too much excitement over ProximityCast my one idea I'm most committed to. There are a couple of exceptions whom I greatly appreciate. Anybody for "Farmville"? 70 million and growing...

I. I am rarely sat­is­fied or complacent.

"Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am."Philippians 4:11 I don't really like being complacent, but I do cherish contentment. It is nice knowing satisfaction too.

J. I can’t sit still.
That depends on how you are defining that. I like to do things that I feel are worthwhile. It is nice to feel like I am moving forward and making progress, but I don't care to go insane because the hurdles and obstacles can't be cleared by the resources I have access to. I can sit still when I need to.

K. I can usu­ally work my way out of a dif­fi­cult situation.

I initially answered this no, but I changed it to yes. I'm in a new chapter of my life where due to a medical condition I find that even though I may have "the want to" I can't always come up with "the can do". This is new to me.

L. I would rather fail at my own thing than suc­ceed at some­one else’s.
I don't mind helping others succeed. If I'm going to fail, I would rather it be my own failure and not affect others. Doing something is only worthwhile to the extent that it really helps others besides yourself in someway.

O. Mem­bers of my fam­ily run their own businesses.

I answered no which is not totally true. My dad and my grandfathers were all independent business men. I wish I could have learned more from them.

R. I get an adren­a­line rush from sell­ing things.
I think I can enjoy selling something that I really believe in and can really benefit someone. But, how helpful am I straddling someone with a new car they really don't need and a huge monthly payment to go with it? I want to be able to sleep at night knowing I truly helped someone and not harmed them even if it is their responsibility to make good choices.

T. (and here is what I would change .…)
I'd have put yes/no radio buttons beside each question and would have a submit button at the bottom to calculate the results easily and automatically. As far as the questions, I'm still just a student of entrepreneurship. I wish I new all the right questions to ask and the best answers for me.

Otherwise, I enjoyed taking this quiz and sharing with all of you.

That's how I shook out on this quiz today... How about you?


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