Sunday, March 16, 2008

Inside Establishments

Definition: Inside Establishment
A unique establishment contained within a Mall, Large Store Complex, Underground Location e.g. "Atlanta Underground"

Inside establishments present a unique challenge for the ProximityCast Establishment photo contributor. GPS only works outside, but some of these inside places could be useful submissions users may also like to be able to find.

An acceptable compromise would be to combine an identifiable outside shot of the entrance with coordinates juxtaposed with the inside establishment.

The example photo shows a McDonalds FastFood Restaurant contained within a Wal-Mart Store. The top part of the picture shows the coordinates along with the above recognizable entrance into the Wal-mart store also showing the McDonald's trademark "Golden Arches" The lower part of the picture shows the McDonalds establishment inside the store.
This would allow a GPS user to identify the entrance to the Wal-Mart that contains the McDonalds.
Well enough for tonight.
ciao my friends,


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