Monday, March 31, 2008

Coordinates from Google Maps the easy way

Much thanks to my friend Peter for telling me about an easier way to get Latitude and Longitude coordinates from Google Maps. This reminds me of the time I was a guest IP (instructor pilot) for a couple of students teaching instrument flight for the Army. We were to cover holding procedures this day. I started going over the textbook method I had been taught and continued to teach. The students interrupted me and asked about the method their instructor had taught them. It was new to me, but highly superior to the way I had been doing and teaching the procedure.
That's what happens sometimes when we work in a box without adequate outside interaction. Anyhow if you need to or just want to find the coordinates for a spot on Google Maps here is all you need to do:

Steps to get Coordinates

  1. Move the cursor showing a small hand to the spot on the map for which you want coordinates.

  2. When over the desired spot, right click to make the popup menu appear.

  3. Click "Directions to here". The coords will appear in the "End address" box above the map.

  4. You can copy the coordinates and paste them into the "Search Maps" box and then click "Search Maps" to confirm they mark the desired location.

I was going to use some more screen shots to demonstrate the technique as I had done previously. Before doing so I once again reviewed Google's Terms of Use. I not sure what clicked different this time, but I felt as if I had been in error for my previous usage. I subsequently blocked the previous images showing screen shots and did not make one for this. If I get a lot of requests for more clarity I can request permission from Google and if received re-incorporate the screen shot images. Until then I will try to explain things in a manner that does not require the demonstrative instructional images that use screen shots of their maps.
Google is very fair and very talented in all that they do. What they allow is quite appreciated for its ability to enhance the ProximityCast product.
It's no excuse, but sometimes we run a little too hard and too fast especially when we're flying solo. I hope no harm was done and apologies are accepted if necessary.

Till next time,
ciao my friends!

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