Saturday, May 1, 2010

Pretty Amazing! Way to go Google!

Google calls it "Up close and personal".


Unknown said...

That is pretty cool. Street view on steroids?

Philip said...

Hey Dave, that's some pretty incredible stuff. Thanks for sharing.

robertrp said...

Very cool but from a security perspective seems like it could provide too much detail.

Seasonsmom said...

That is really cool but I am with robertrp about too much detail? And how does it affect PC?

David Robert ~Founder of said...

It could be a game changer for ProximityCast especially with improvements and more coverage.

The security perspective could be an issue, but the world changes and adapts eventually. This topic could get complicated so I'll focus on other things and let someone else worry about security. Makes the security problems ProximityCast could cause seem minor.

I still have my iron in the fire for ProximityCast and I can still in-vision a niche for PC. Getting there is another story.