Thursday, June 24, 2010

Move to Silicon Valley to become a successful startup

Jake’s posterous: Just Do It: Move to Silicon Valley

I'm 99.9% sure I'm not moving. The above link is an interesting post though.

Probably the biggest thing I miss by staying were I'm at is finding people that you can really discuss entrepreneurial issues with. I've only found one regarding ProximityCast. He knows who he is and I appreciate him. Thank you!

I can relate to this excerpt from the linked post:
Take, for instance, the challenge of finding a co-founder. While it is possible to meet a co-founder in Toronto, it's certainly not probable. For over three years, I would question almost everyone I came across who sounded like they were into tech: "Oh, so you code! Are you into startups?" and the answer was often be "Yes". But after some follow-up questions, I'd soon find out they don't even read TechCrunch (let alone Hacker News), they work for the government or one of the big banks (they might consider leaving, but not for a year or two), and when you ask about starting a company, and they'd say they would love to start a company, but "probably in a couple of years, when I'm ready" (yeah, like two kids and mortgage, ready?).

Even moving to Silicon Valley doesn't guarantee success, it just increases its probability.

I'm facing other obstacles now that even a move to Silicon Valley probably wouldn't help me clear. If I was younger and my situation was different, I'd probably go for it and make the move, so I guess I'm on both sides of the above excerpt; ouch.

Such is Life


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