Monday, May 17, 2010

Disabled Site's ProximityCasting Ability

I disabled the ProximityCast search function until I am able to correct the GeoCoding problem.
You can still search through the Gallery and browse other stuff.
I'll make a post when I have my GeoCoding issue corrected.
If you are not already subscribed to email notifications on this blog, you may do so if you wish for convenient notification of when i have the GeoCoding issue corrected.

Until then, I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may present.


Founder out!

Geocoding is Broke

Google offers a service that turns Street Addresses into Lat/Long which is referred to as geocoding. They have recently made changes that breaks my code on ProximityCast until I can get around to fixing it.

Latitude and Longitude still works correctly.

Enter: New Orleans, LA and you will get error messages displayed.

Enter: 30 -91 and it will work properly.

You can easily find Lat/Long of a location from Google Maps. See this blog post for how to do it.

Until I can wade through the changes I need to make to get geocoding fixed I'm sorry for any inconvenience anyone may have.

This is a good point about being in hobby mode: no rush.


Founder out!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Street View Recon

Making a trip to the big city soon and have to make a stop at a place we've never been. Checked it out on Google Maps and Street View. I'm relatively confident that we have the location pegged, but we're not 100% sure. We'll find out soon.

Anyone else recon locations you've never been to before on Google Maps and StreetView?